Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall thrill

I'm enjoying the beginning of fall more than I can express, having spent the last couple Octobers in Doha, where it's still over 100 degrees (38 C).
Wearing a sweater, breathing cool air and seeing pumpkins
 - all minor thrills.
Fall decorations look particularly charming when they're outside a tidy Mennonite farm along the open Missouri highway.

And I like the light quality for knitting, too.


JRS said...

Is that Ozark Handspun that you are knitting with? That would be appropriate, since it's from Jeff City.

Autumn in Missouri is nice. I haven't spent too much time in the Middle East, but when I was there, I did *not* like the climate. I can understand why you're so charmed by fall in the midwest!

Mardi said...

Love your yarn. It is so unique and special.

Tracy Hudson said...
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Tracy Hudson said...

Thank you!
It's my own handspun, alternating with kidsilk haze. There's a long story to that yarn, but it has to wait till after I've given the scarf.

Mardi said...

It looks as though it was inspired by the mums at the Mennonite farm in the photo you posted.

Unknown said...

salut Tracy!
trés belle tes c'est trés chouette ce que tu fais!!
J'espére que tu vas bien et tout et tout!

tu peux m'écrire à
si tu le veux.
all the best!
